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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Advantages of a Seasoned Investigator

My Biography
Alternative dispute resolution represents a relatively quick and efficient means of avoiding the time and expense of litigation and in identifying and resolving workplace disputes.

Arbitration is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) wherein the parties to a dispute refer it to one or more persons (the "arbitrators", "arbiters" or "arbitral tribunal"), by whose decision they agree to be bound. Arbitration can be a highly useful method of resolving issues expeditiously and limiting the costs associated with litigation.

Mediation is a second type of ADR that is increasingly recognized as a valuable alternative to traditional investigative or litigation procedures. Mediation is an informal process in which a neutral third party assists the opposing parties reach a voluntary, negotiated resolution of a charge of discrimination or other employment-related dispute or grievance. The decision to mediate is completely voluntary for the charging party and the employer. Mediation gives the parties the opportunity to discuss the issues raised in the charge, clear up misunderstandings, determine the underlying interests or concerns, find areas of agreement and, ultimately, incorporate those areas of agreements into resolutions. A mediator does not resolve the charge or impose a decision on the parties. Instead, the mediator helps the parties to agree on a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation can serve as as a valuable means of identifying areas of dispute and resolving them quickly and productively.

I am certified in both mediation and arbitration techniques by the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations and am also trained in workplace mediation by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.